The Bachelor of Animation (Honours) provides a fourth year of study for students who have completed a Bachelor of Animation (1179) or an equivalent undergraduate program. It is a full-time or part-time program that comprises a significant independent Animation research project to be completed under formal supervision. This project is driven by methodological and theoretical inquiry and complemented with an appropriate elective course.
As well as the opportunity for career and skill advancement, this Honours program creates a pathway for Animation students to move into research and higher degree studies - Master of Philosophy (5001), Master of Screen Production - Advanced Major (5736) or Doctor of Philosophy (6001).
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Maret 2025
Southbank Campus
226 Grey Street,
4101, BRISBANE, Australia
To be eligible for admission to the Bachelor of Animation (Honours) program, applicants must: have achieved a grade point average of at least 5.0 over the best nine studio courses in their second and third years of their undergraduate degree; have negotiated one supervisor who is available and willing to facilitate the student's requirements; confirm (prior to application) that their chosen project can be conducted within the appropriate concentration area - that is, check the availability of resources, supervision etc; submit a proposal outlining the nature of the Research Project they wish to undertake; applicants may be required to attend a selection interview and present a current folio of their most outstanding work.
English language requirements apply to International applicants and other applicants whose previous study was undertaken in a language other than English. The minimum English language requirements for such applicants for entry to this program are as follows:
Mungkin ada beberapa persyaratan IELTS yang berbeda, tergantung jurusan yang kamu ambil
Griffith University membawa fokus internasional ke program gelarnya, sejalan dengan visinya yang mempersiapkan para mahasiswa memasuki pasar global.