
Education (Nursery/Early Education) MEd




Apa yang akan saya pelajari?

This MEd course is essential for all professionals working in a nursery or early years educational setting, whether working as a teacher or in a similar developmental role. It can help you enhance your professional learning and improve your career progression prospects. We will give you a framework to help you reflect critically on your professional development and your current practice, and you will be introduced to research methodology. You will also consider social contexts, transition procedures and processes, and the impact they have upon children.

You can tailor the educational experience to suit your own circumstances, working entirely online, at your own pace, and taking a break from studies if needed. You can choose to study for the full Master of Education award, or you can exit early with a PG Certificate or PG Diploma. Most of the learning will build on your initial training and is based around your work experience. You do not need to be currently employed to study this course, as long as you have the relevant experience.

Our MEd course is recognised by the International Baccalaureate Organisation as meeting the professional development requirements of the:

  • Advanced Certificate in Teaching and Learning Research
  • Certificate in Leadership Practice
  • Advanced Certificate in Leadership Research

These certificates can help you pursue a career in public, private or international schools across the world.


Most students on this course are already in full time employment, and a number move into senior management positions during, or just after, their time studying with us. This course can help you influence your own professional learning journey and take control of your own continual professional development, enhancing your prospects for future career advancement. This course is not an initial teaching course and will not qualify you to teach in Scotland.

Saya termasuk departemen apa?

University of Dundee

Pilihan kuliah

Online/Jarak jauh dengan kehadiran (36 bulan)

Biaya kuliah
Please refer university website for the fee details.

* Biaya yang tercantum di halaman ini untuk tujuan indikatif, silahkan

Tanggal mulai

April 2025


University of Dundee



Dundee, City Of,

DD1 4HN, SCOTLAND, Scotland

Persyaratan masuk

Untuk mahasiswa internasional

A UK Lower Second-Class Honours (2:2) degree. IELTS Overall 6.5 - Listening 5.5, Reading 5.5, Writing 6.0, Speaking 6.0. TOEFL score would be Overall:87; writing:19, Listening:17, Reading:18 and Speaking:22.

Mungkin ada beberapa persyaratan IELTS yang berbeda, tergantung jurusan yang kamu ambil

Pilihan program Pathways

Yang ditawarkan oleh partner lainnya

Universitas ini menerima kursus jalur persiapan dari
  • International College Dundee

Info tentang University of Dundee

90% lulusan University of Dundee bekerja atau melanjutkan studi ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi dalam waktu 15 bulan setelah kelulusan (HESA, 2023).

  • Di tempat tinggal terbaik di Skotlandia (Sunday Times 2024)
  • Tempat tinggal yang terjangkau dan tersedia beasiswa
  • Dukungan yang unggul bagi para wirausahawan mahasiswa
  • Lebih dari 500 kombinasi gelar S1, S2 dan S3