The Mathematics major offers a foundation for students interested in acquiring and developing intellectual tools for understanding and solving the complex mathematical problems arising in the modern world. The program offers courses in all major areas of pure and applied mathematics. A friendly environment facilitates in-depth learning and stimulating introduction to research.
Grow Your Future
Career opportunities for Mathematics majors are numerous and varied. Employers value Mathematics majors for their high critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills. Visit the career's website of the Mathematical Association of America for more information.
Career opportunities in Arts & Sciences
What You'll Study
Math majors choose one of two programs that lead to the B.A. degree: Option A, mathematics or Option B, mathematical sciences. The mathematics option consists of courses offered solely by the department of mathematics and is intended for those who wish to follow a traditional mathematics career path. The mathematical science option consists of courses offered by the departments of computer science, mathematics and statistics, and is intended for those who opt for a career that requires the application of mathematics.
Graduation Requirements
Any student earning a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree must complete a minimum of 39 hours at the 300+ level. These hours are generally completed by the major requirements. However, keep this hour requirement in mind as you choose your course work for the requirements in the major. Students interested in earning a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree must complete a minimum of 60 hours in biological, physical, mathematical and/or computer sciences.
Direncanakan May, October 2025
Tanggal mulai
Januari 2025
College of Arts and Sciences
202 Patterson Office Tower,
40506, United States
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