You can inspire students to think critically about current events and better comprehend the world around them.
We teach future social studies teachers to think about facts, such as historical dates, events, names, and places, as if they are building blocks. As a social studies teacher, you can help students use these blocks to put current events into context and build a broader understanding.
It is important to give students intentional exposure to cultures they see through globalization in the world today. The framework for teaching social studies, developed by faculty in our program, reflects this.
Why Choose UK Secondary Social Studies Education?
You will use your knowledge in balanced ways to prepare all students you work with for success in and after high school.
You will be equipped and inspired to prepare your future students (grades 8-12), teaching history, anthropology, economics, geography, political science, psychology, and sociology.
You will be taught by leading faculty in the field.
Gain the advantage of joining the EdLife Living Learning residential program.
Graduation Requirements
To receive the B.A. degree in Secondary Social Studies Education, students must: (1) complete the UK Core requirements; (2) complete the graduation composition and communication requirement program related studies courses; (3) complete program related studies; (4) complete major courses, and (5) complete minor courses.
Direncanakan May, October 2025
Tanggal mulai
Januari 2025
College of Education
103 Dickey Hall,
40506, United States
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