

Nominal Beasiswa

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Jenis pendanaan

Other Discount


Tenggat Waktu

Hubungi konsultan pendidikan


Jenjang Studi


Tentang Beasiswa Ini

Insitusi pemberi beasiswa

MacEwan University

Jumlah beasiswa

Tidak disebutkan

Beasiswa ini menanggung apa saja?

  • Tuition fees

Detail lengkap beasiswa ini


Syarat Pendaftaran


All International

Jenis Kelamin

Berlaku untuk semua jenis kelamin

Mode penyampaian

Semua jenis mode kuliah

Pendekatan seleksi

Hanya pendaftar yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dipertimbangkan

Tipe program

Full Time

Tahun penerimaan

January 2025, May 2025, September 2025

Kriteria lainnya

Academic excellence

百花视频 dan jenjang studi yang kamu daftar

Bidang studi*

Semua bidang studi

Jenjang Studi


Syarat kelayakan lainnya

To be considered for this funding, students must:

  • Be an active international student at MacEwan University or visiting international student from one of MacEwan University's partner schools.
  • Be a citizen or permanent resident of a country experiencing:
    • Armed conflict or war;
    • Significant civil unrest;
    • An extreme natural disaster;
    • Major disruptions to international financial transactions that are not a result of international sanctions; or
    • Other crises significantly impacting student education.
  • Have their primary source of educational funding coming from the country in crisis.
  • Be in good academic standing.
  • Be registered full-time at MacEwan University in the term they receive the funding.

Limitations, Classifications, and Notes:

  • This funding may be provided a maximum of two (2) times in an individual's lifetime.
  • Should there be any disputes regarding this funding, final decisions rest with MacEwan International in support of the intent of the fund.
  • If there are more qualified students than funds available, assistance will be provided based on greatest and most urgent need, considering possible access to other university funding.

Basis Seleksi

Pelajar di seleksi berdasarkan

  • Academic excellence

Kriteria seleksi

MacEwan International will select recipients.

Should there be any dispute regarding this funding, final decisions rest with MacEwan International in support of the intent of the fund.

Available in all terms as needed.


Cara Mendaftar

Proses pendaftaran

Kamu secara otomatis dipertimbangkan untuk menerima beasiswa saat mendaftar ke jurusan yang relevan di institusi ini

Detail pendaftaran (dari institusi pemberi beasiswa)

Students do not apply directly for this award. Selections are completed by nomination and based on academic achievement.

Bicara dengan konsultan

Hubungi konselor kami untuk panduan dan detail lengkap mengenai beasiswa ini. Konselor kami juga bisa membantu menilai profilmu serta menemukan jurusan dan universitas dengan beasiswa untukmu. Hubungi konselor kami sekarang juga!


Info lebih lanjut

Beasiswa lain yang relevan di universitas ini