

Nominal Beasiswa

20% of fees


Jenis pendanaan

Fee waiver/discount


Tenggat Waktu

Hubungi konsultan pendidikan


Jenjang Studi

Sarjana, Pascasarjana

Tentang Beasiswa Ini

Insitusi pemberi beasiswa

Robert Gordon University

Jumlah beasiswa

Tidak disebutkan

Beasiswa ini menanggung apa saja?

  • Tuition fees

Detail lengkap beasiswa ini

20% discount on fees

Syarat Pendaftaran


All International

Jenis Kelamin

Berlaku untuk semua jenis kelamin

Mode penyampaian

Online, In Person

Pendekatan seleksi

Hanya pendaftar yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dipertimbangkan

Tipe program

Full Time, Part Time

Tahun penerimaan

All intakes

Kriteria lainnya

Academic excellence

百花视频 dan jenjang studi yang kamu daftar

Bidang studi*

Semua bidang studi

Jenjang Studi


Bidang studi*

Semua bidang studi

Jenjang Studi


Syarat kelayakan lainnya

You will be eligible for an alumni discount off future course fees if you have successfully completed one of the RGU accredited qualifications: undergraduate degree, unclassified or Honours (e.g. BA or BA (Hons)) postgraduate taught degree (e.g PgCert; PgDip; MSc) postgraduate research degree (e.g MPhil; MSc by research; Professional Doctorate; PhD)

Basis Seleksi

Pelajar di seleksi berdasarkan

  • Academic excellence

Cara Mendaftar

Proses pendaftaran

Kamu secara otomatis dipertimbangkan untuk menerima beasiswa saat mendaftar ke jurusan yang relevan di institusi ini

Detail pendaftaran (dari institusi pemberi beasiswa)

Whether you are taking the next step on your educational journey or looking to further your career prospects, our courses are demand driven and tailored to the needs of current and future employment markets.

Your course application form will ask if you have completed a qualification from RGU before. Once checked and confirmed, your discount will be applied automatically.

If you are a final year student at RGU you will be eligible for the Alumni Discount pending the successful completion of your current degree course.

Syarat pendaftaran

    If eligible for both an RGU Scholarship and the Alumni Discount, students will receive the most financially beneficial discount; The Alumni Discount cannot be combined with other RGU based financial offers or reductions.

    The discount will be applied to fees for undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses (taught or by research). Where a full-time course is longer than one year, the discount will apply to the year 1 fees only, or the first two years for the equivalent part-time course.

    The discount cannot be used:

    To top-up an earlier exit award to achieve a higher-level award for the same course.  
    For example, if you previously started an MSc course but exited early with a PgDip, you will not then get a 20% discount for returning to complete the MSc award in the same course.
    For short courses, whether credit-bearing or not.

    The discount cannot be converted into a cash refund against the full course cost.

Bicara dengan konsultan

Hubungi konselor kami untuk panduan dan detail lengkap mengenai beasiswa ini. Konselor kami juga bisa membantu menilai profilmu serta menemukan jurusan dan universitas dengan beasiswa untukmu. Hubungi konselor kami sekarang juga!


Info lebih lanjut

Beasiswa lain yang relevan di universitas ini