
Cranfield-Aston Bursary Scheme

Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

Nominal Beasiswa

20% of fees


Jenis pendanaan

Fee waiver/discount


Tenggat Waktu

Hubungi konsultan pendidikan


Jenjang Studi


Tentang Beasiswa Ini

Insitusi pemberi beasiswa

Cranfield University

Jumlah beasiswa

Tidak disebutkan

Beasiswa ini menanggung apa saja?

  • Tuition fees

Detail lengkap beasiswa ini

The funding offers a 20% fee reduction on any eligible course.

Syarat Pendaftaran


EU , UK , All International

Jenis Kelamin

Berlaku untuk semua jenis kelamin

Mode penyampaian

Semua jenis mode kuliah

Pendekatan seleksi

Semua mahasiswa yang memenuhi syarat

Tipe program

Full Time, Part Time

Tahun penerimaan

All intakes

Kriteria lainnya

Mature students

百花视频 dan jenjang studi yang kamu daftar

Bidang studi*

Ilmu Pengetahuan Murni dan Terapan

Jenjang Studi


Bidang studi*

Bisnis dan Manajemen

Jenjang Studi


Bidang studi*

Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi

Jenjang Studi


Syarat kelayakan lainnya

As part of Aston University's collaboration with Cranfield University, Cranfield is pleased to offer Aston University students and graduates a 20% tuition fee reduction on a wide range of specialist master's degrees.

Who can apply

To satisfy the requirements of the award, applicants must be all of the following:

A current student at Aston University or graduate of Aston University;

A UK, EU or overseas student;

An offer holder for either full-time or part-time study from any of the eligible courses listed.

Applicable courses

Advanced Materials: Engineering and Industrial Applications MSc

Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc

Aerospace Computational Engineering MSc

Aerospace Materials MSc

Aerospace Manufacturing MSc

Applied Bioinformatics MSc

Astronautics and Space Engineering MSc

Environmental Engineering MSc

Automotive Engineering MSc

Automotive Mechatronics MSc

Autonomous Vehicle Dynamics and Control MSc

Advanced Chemical Engineering MSc

Environmental Engineering MSc

Water and Sanitation for Development MSc

Computational and Software Techniques in Engineering MSc

Computational Fluid Dynamics MSc

Engineering & Management of Manufacturing Systems MSc

Environmental Engineering MSc

Environmental Management for Business MSc

Advanced Water Management MSc

Food Systems and Management MSc

Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology MSc

Forensic Investigation MSc

Forensic Investigation MSc

Forensic Investigation MSc

Future Food Sustainability MSc

Advanced GIS and Remote Sensing MSc

Global Product Development & Management MSc

Management and Information Systems MSc

Manufacturing Technology and Management MSc

Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc, etc.

Cara Mendaftar

Proses pendaftaran

Kamu perlu mendaftar secara terpisah untuk beasiswa ini

Detail pendaftaran (dari institusi pemberi beasiswa)

Please state on your Cranfield course application form that you are an Aston University student or graduate and we will apply the tuition fee reduction if you have selected an eligible course. 

Bicara dengan konsultan

Hubungi konselor kami untuk panduan dan detail lengkap mengenai beasiswa ini. Konselor kami juga bisa membantu menilai profilmu serta menemukan jurusan dan universitas dengan beasiswa untukmu. Hubungi konselor kami sekarang juga!


Info lebih lanjut

Beasiswa lain yang relevan di universitas ini