
Direct Applicant Country Scholarship

Warwickshire, United Kingdom

Nominal Beasiswa

拢2.000,00 (Rp 40.473.439)


Jenis pendanaan

Fee waiver/discount


Tenggat Waktu

Hubungi konsultan pendidikan


Jenjang Studi

Sarjana, Pascasarjana

Tentang Beasiswa Ini

Insitusi pemberi beasiswa

Coventry University

Jumlah beasiswa

Tidak disebutkan

Beasiswa ini menanggung apa saja?

  • Tuition fees

Detail lengkap beasiswa ini

拢2,000 scholarship for first year only.

Syarat Pendaftaran


All International

Jenis Kelamin

Berlaku untuk semua jenis kelamin

Mode penyampaian

Semua jenis mode kuliah

Pendekatan seleksi

Semua mahasiswa yang memenuhi syarat

Tipe program

Full Time

Tahun penerimaan

January 2025, May 2025

Kriteria lainnya

Mature students

百花视频 dan jenjang studi yang kamu daftar

Bidang studi*

Semua bidang studi

Jenjang Studi


Bidang studi*

Semua bidang studi

Jenjang Studi


Syarat kelayakan lainnya

All Coventry University and Coventry University London international students (excluding EU) can save a further 拢2,000 on their course tuition fee starting in January and May 2025 with our Direct Applicant Country Scholarship. Our International Pathways Programme (IPP) and Coventry University Online courses are excluded from this award. To be eligible applicants must not have applied via a Coventry University recruitment agent and been made a subsequent offer for future or previous intakes.


All countries excluding UK and EU

Award details and eligibility

Once an applicant has received a conditional offer and accepted their offer, on a full-time undergraduate or postgraduate taught course starting in January or May 2025, to be eligible they must meet the following conditions:

Applicants must have applied direct via our online application portal.

Applicants must not have applied via a Coventry University recruitment agent.
Applicants must be self-funded and paying international/overseas tuition fees.

Applicants can only combine this award with our Postgraduate Vice-Chancellor Scholarship or our Undergraduate Vice-Chancellor Scholarship and Early Payment Discount. The total amount awarded for your first year will be deducted off your first year鈥檚 tuition fee, final payment (or it will be deducted off your first payment where you are asked for your first year鈥檚 full tuition fee, upfront). Details of your tuition fee payments due, will be outlined in your Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS).

Cara Mendaftar

Proses pendaftaran

Kamu secara otomatis dipertimbangkan untuk menerima beasiswa saat mendaftar ke jurusan yang relevan di institusi ini

Detail pendaftaran (dari institusi pemberi beasiswa)

There is no application process but this award is only available once applicants have successfully completed the enrolment process as outlined in their offer letter.

Bicara dengan konsultan

Hubungi konselor kami untuk panduan dan detail lengkap mengenai beasiswa ini. Konselor kami juga bisa membantu menilai profilmu serta menemukan jurusan dan universitas dengan beasiswa untukmu. Hubungi konselor kami sekarang juga!


Info lebih lanjut

Beasiswa lain yang relevan di universitas ini