
Alliant Master of Arts in Education: School Psychology Scholarship

California, United States

Nominal Beasiswa

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Jenis pendanaan



Tenggat Waktu


Jenjang Studi


Tentang Beasiswa Ini

Insitusi pemberi beasiswa

Alliant International University

Jumlah beasiswa

5 per tahun (avg)

Detail lengkap beasiswa ini

Award funds will be disbursed in increments of USD $1,500 per semester for Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 and will be applied to student tuition and fee balances at Alliant International University

Syarat Pendaftaran


All International

Jenis Kelamin

Berlaku untuk semua jenis kelamin

Mode penyampaian

Semua jenis mode kuliah

Pendekatan seleksi

Semua mahasiswa yang memenuhi syarat

Tipe program


Tahun penerimaan

All intakes

Kriteria lainnya

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百花视频 dan jenjang studi yang kamu daftar

Bidang studi*

Pendidikan dan Pelatihan

Jenjang Studi


Syarat kelayakan lainnya

  • Must be a current student or new student who meets all admission requirements and has been fully admitted and confirmed into the Master of Arts in Education: School Psychology program
  • Students who receive Alliant tuition waivers or Alliant issued grants are not eligible to receive this scholarship
  • Complete and submit a 500-word essay describing your interest in School Psychology and how this program will contribute to your immediate and long-range career plans.
  • New students:
  1. Must have achieved a GPA of 3.5 or higher in your most recent college-level studies
  2. Must submit a copy of your most recent college-level transcripts

Cara Mendaftar

Detail pendaftaran (dari institusi pemberi beasiswa)

For further information, please contact the university website.

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