
Northwest International Achievement Scholarship (NIAS) (UG) (For undergraduates entering summer and earlier)

Missouri, United States

Nominal Beasiswa

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Jenis pendanaan

Fee waiver/discount


Tenggat Waktu

Hubungi Institusi


Jenjang Studi


Tentang Beasiswa Ini

Insitusi pemberi beasiswa

Northwest Missouri State University

Jumlah beasiswa

Tidak disebutkan

Beasiswa ini menanggung apa saja?

  • Tuition fees

Detail lengkap beasiswa ini

It is equivalent to approximately USD $7,516 during your first year based on 28 credit hours

Syarat Pendaftaran


All International

Jenis Kelamin

Berlaku untuk semua jenis kelamin

Mode penyampaian

In Person

Pendekatan seleksi

Hanya pendaftar yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dipertimbangkan

Tipe program


Tahun penerimaan

May 2025

Kriteria lainnya

Academic excellence

百花视频 dan jenjang studi yang kamu daftar

Bidang studi*

Semua bidang studi

Jenjang Studi


Syarat kelayakan lainnya

This award will represent the value of the difference in price between in-state and out-of-state tuition. It is equivalent to approximately USD $7,516 during your first year based on 28 credit hours (the scholarship total will vary based on credit hours taken). 

Renewal Requirements:

  • 3.00 Northwest cumulative GPA and completion of 24 credit hours per academic year
  • Maximum award: 132 total credit hours earned (including transfer hours)
  • Stackable with Northwest Academic Merit Scholarships

For international NEW freshmen (first-year students) to be eligible for the NIAS, they must have graduated from a non-English speaking school and be at one of the following levels of English proficiency:

  • 65 on Internet-based TOEFL -or-
  • 6.0 on Academic IELTS -or-
  • 50 on Pearson Test of English -or-
  • 100 Duolingo

Other test options and scores for eligibility may be an option. 

International freshmen who are not required to provide proof of English proficiency because they are from an English-speaking country are eligible with a 3.00 high school grade point average or with an SAT score of at least 1060 or ACT score of at least 21.

Basis Seleksi

Pelajar di seleksi berdasarkan

  • Academic excellence

Cara Mendaftar

Proses pendaftaran

Kamu secara otomatis dipertimbangkan untuk menerima beasiswa saat mendaftar ke jurusan yang relevan di institusi ini

Detail pendaftaran (dari institusi pemberi beasiswa)

These are automatic scholarships that will be applied to the student's account. There is no scholarship required to be considered for these scholarships.

Syarat pendaftaran

Hubungi Institusi

Hubungi konselor kami untuk panduan dan detail lengkap mengenai beasiswa ini. Konselor kami juga bisa membantu menilai profilmu serta menemukan jurusan dan universitas dengan beasiswa untukmu. Hubungi konselor kami sekarang juga!

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Beasiswa lain yang relevan di universitas ini

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