
STEM Second Century Scholarships

Virginia, United States

Nominal Beasiswa

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Jenis pendanaan

Fee waiver/discount


Tenggat Waktu


Jenjang Studi


Tentang Beasiswa Ini

Insitusi pemberi beasiswa

James Madison University

Jumlah beasiswa

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Detail lengkap beasiswa ini

The amount of the scholarship is set at a minimum of 75 percent of in-state tuition and fees for the year recipients enter the university and continues at this amount for a maximum of four consecutive years

Syarat Pendaftaran


All International

Jenis Kelamin

Berlaku untuk semua jenis kelamin

Mode penyampaian

Semua jenis mode kuliah

Pendekatan seleksi

Semua mahasiswa yang memenuhi syarat

Tipe program


Tahun penerimaan

All intakes

Kriteria lainnya

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百花视频 dan jenjang studi yang kamu daftar

Bidang studi*

Semua bidang studi

Jenjang Studi


Syarat kelayakan lainnya

Incoming freshmen enrolling in one of the designated STEM programs may qualify to be recognized as Second Century Scholars and receive scholarship support. The Second Century scholarship is awarded for a maximum of four years of undergraduate work, provided recipients continue in any one of the designated STEM majors and maintain a high level of academic performance and commitment to their studies. The amount of the scholarship is set at a minimum of 75 percent of in-state tuition and fees for the year recipients enter the university and continues at this amount for a maximum of four consecutive years.

The Second Century Scholars program is evidence of James Madison University鈥檚 recognition of the importance of STEM to the country and of the University鈥檚 very strong programs in STEM fields. This program represents a serious commitment to students who, in turn, are serious about excelling in STEM areas and making a difference in the world.

Eligible students are encouraged to apply prior to notice of their acceptance to James Madison University.

Applicants must meet the following criteria to be eligible for the Second Century Scholars program:

  • GPA of 3.75 or higher (performance in science, technology and mathematics courses will receive additional consideration)
  • Demonstrated interest and commitment to study in a STEM area
  • Declaration of a major in a designated STEM area (Eligible majors are:Biology, Biophysical Chemistry, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth Science, Engineering, Geographic Science, Geology, Intelligence Analysis, Integrated Science and Technology, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics)

Cara Mendaftar

Detail pendaftaran (dari institusi pemberi beasiswa)

Fill out all parts of application before submitting. Please do not open the link until you are ready to apply.

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